########################################################################## # Yet Another Monitor (YAMon) # Copyright (c) 2013-present Al Caughey # All rights reserved. # # default parameters - these values may be updated in readConfig() # # History # 3.2.2 - moved _version and _file_version to versions.sh # 3.3.1 - changed YAMON_IP4, YAMON_IP6, d_configWWW # - added d_use_nf_conntrack # - removed unused d_lan_iface_only, d_enable_db # 3.4.0 - uprev'd for new release; some values tweaked & some house keeping # 3.4.7 - updates for crippled ipv6 # 3.4.8 - added d_guest_iface ########################################################################## _has_nvram=0 _has_uci=0 _canClear=$(which clear) [ -n "$YAMON" ] && d_baseDir="${YAMON%/}" [ -z "$d_baseDir" ] && d_baseDir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd) [ -n "$(which nvram)" ] && _has_nvram=1 [ -n "$(which uci)" ] && _has_uci=1 _lockDir="/tmp/YAMon$_file_version-running" YAMON_IP4='YAMON34v4' YAMON_IP6='YAMON34v6' _PRIVATE_IP4_BLOCKS=',,' _LOCAL_IP4=',,' _PRIVATE_IP6_BLOCKS='fc00::/7,ff02::/7' [ -z "$_local_ip6" ] && _local_ip6='fe80:' #global defaults d_firmware=0 d_updatefreq=30 d_publishInterval=4 _lang='en' d_path2strings="$d_baseDir/strings/$_lang/" d_webDir="www/" d_webIndex="yamon$_file_version.html" d_dataDir="data/" d_logDir="logs/" d_wwwPath="/tmp/www/" d_wwwURL="/user" d_wwwJS="js/" d_wwwCSS="css/" d_wwwImages='images/' d_wwwData="data" d_usersFileName="users.js" d_hourlyFileName="hourly_data.js" d_usageFileName="mac_data.js" d_configWWW="config$_file_version.js" d_symlink2data=1 d_enableLogging=1 d_log2file=1 d_loglevel=0 d_scrlevel=0 d_ispBillingDay=5 d_doDailyBU=1 d_tarBUs=0 d_doLiveUpdates=1 d_doCurrConnections=1 d_liveFileName="live_data3.js" d_dailyBUPath="daily-bu/" d_unlimited_usage=0 d_unlimited_start="02:00" d_unlimited_end="08:00" d_settings_pswd='' d_dnsmasq_conf="/tmp/dnsmasq.conf" d_dnsmasq_leases="/tmp/dnsmasq.leases" d_do_separator="" d_includeBridge=0 d_bridgeMAC='XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX' d_defaultOwner='Unknown' d_defaultDeviceName='New Device' d_includeIPv6=0 d_doLocalFiles=0 d_dbkey='' d_ignoreGateway=0 d_gatewayMAC='' d_sendAlerts=0 d_organizeData=2 d_allowMultipleIPsperMAC=0 d_multipleIPMAC='XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX' d_includeIPv6=0 d_enable_ftp=0 d_ftp_site='' d_ftp_user='' d_ftp_pswd='' d_ftp_dir='' d_useTMangle=0 d_logNoMatchingMac=0 d_use_nf_conntrack=1 d_path2MSMTP=/opt/usr/bin/msmtp d_MSMTP_CONFIG=/opt/scripts/msmtprc d_includeIncomplete='0' d_guest_iface='' _generic_ipv4="" _generic_ipv6="::/0" _generic_mac="un:kn:ow:n0:0m:ac" loadconfig() { local caller=$0 #if the parameters are missing then set them to the defaults local dirty=0 local mfl='' local p_list=$(cat "${d_baseDir}/default_config.file" | grep -o "^_[^=]\{1,\}") IFS=$'\n' for line in $(echo "$p_list") do eval nv=\"\$$line\" [ -n "$nv" ] && continue local dvn="d$line" eval dv=\"\$$dvn\" [ -z "$dv" ] && continue dirty=$(($dirty+1)) eval $line=\"\$$dvn\" mfl="$mfl * $line ($dv)" done [ -z "$(which ftpput)" ] && [ "$_enable_ftp" -eq 1 ] && _enable_ftp=0 && echo -e "${_uhoh}the value of '_enable_ftp' has been changed to 0${_nlsp}because command ftpput was not found?!?${_nls}Please check your config.file${nl}" >&2 save2File="save2File_"$_enable_ftp [ -z "$_path2ip" ] && _path2ip=$(which ip) if [ "$_includeIPv6" -eq "1" ] ; then $($_path2ip -6 neigh show >> /tmp/ipv6.txt 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then _includeIPv6=0 [ ! -z $(echo $caller | grep "yamon") ] && echo -e "${_uhoh}the value of '_includeIPv6' has been changed to 0 because your${nlsp}installed version of the ip function does not support IPv6 or the neigh parameter.${nls}Please check your config.file and/or your version of busybox.${nlsp}See also http://usage-monitoring.com/help/?t=ipv6-changed${nl}" >&2 rm /tmp/ipv6.txt fi fi updateUsage="updateUsage_"$_includeIPv6 doliveUpdates="doliveUpdates_"$_doLiveUpdates copyfiles="copyfiles_"$_symlink2data checkUnlimited="checkUnlimited_"$_unlimited_usage checkIPv6="checkIPv6_"$_includeIPv6 if [ "$_enableLogging" -eq "0" ] ; then send2log="send2log_"$_enableLogging else send2log="send2log_"$_enableLogging"_"$_log2file fi if [ "$_sendAlerts" -eq "0" ] ; then sendAlert="sendAlert_$_sendAlerts" elif [ -z "$_sendAlertTo" ] ; then sendAlert="sendAlert_0" $send2log "_sendAlertTo cannot be null if '_sendAlerts' is not zero" 2 else sendAlert="sendAlert_1" fi [ "$dirty" -gt 0 ] && echo -e "${_uhoh}$dirty parameter(s) are missing in your config.file!$mfl${_nlsp}The missing entries have been assigned the defaults from \`default_config.file\`.${_nlsp}Run setup.sh again to update your config.file and see \`default_config.file\`${_nlsp}for more info about these parameters.${_nlsp}See also http://usage-monitoring.com/help/?t=missing_parameters ${_nl}" if [ "$_unlimited_usage" -eq "1" ] ; then _ul_start=$(date -d "$_unlimited_start" +%s); _ul_end=$(date -d "$_unlimited_end" +%s); [ "$_ul_end" -lt "$_ul_start" ] && _ul_start=$((_ul_start - 86400)) fi local ipv6_enable='' if [ "$_has_nvram" -eq "1" ] ; then ipv6_enable=$(nvram get ipv6_enable) fi [ "$_firmware" -eq '0' ] && [ "$_includeIPv6" -eq '1' ] && [ -z "$ipv6_enable" ] && _includeIPv6=0 && echo "Setting \`_includeIPv6=0\` because ipv6_enable!=1 in nvram" _tMangleOption='' [ "$_useTMangle" -eq "1" ] && _tMangleOption='-t mangle' } [ -z "$YAMON" ] && loadconfig